Homeschool Hippo
Learn the drawbacks of traditional schools, debunk common homeschooling myths, and get useful tips - all in 10 minutes a week
and a challenge for you...
Let's talk about socialisation...
Real learning happens beyond the classroom walls
Why traditional timelines don’t apply in personalised learning
Are these tests really helping our kids?
Traditional schooling is falling behind. Learn how self-directed learning prepares kids for the real world.
How rewards kill the love of learning
Discover how to nurture lifelong learners with tips on fostering curiosity, intrinsic motivation, and a growth mindset in children.
Zachary Reznichek's Innovative Approach to Making Learning Fun, Relevant, and Holistic
The hidden costs of modern education
How Kids Learned Before Schools?
Public schools echo the factory model, with divided curriculum, bells, and age-based learning, raising questions about preparing students for the modern world.